It has now been five years since it all began. In September 2013 after two years of research, the first draft screenplay of “Lawrence: A Silent Passing” was completed and published. 100 copies were sent to leading film and television production companies. After 12 months the feedback received was positive but non-committal.
So where should we go from there? Its a strong idea and we have the confidence to take on the BIG boys with mega-budgets. Can we do this on a micro-budget? Yes! Lets do it!
So in October 2015 to support the making of a feature film Gryffyn Productions Ltd and “Lawrence: The Movie” website were launched. We decided the British film was to be made on a low budget - less than £150k certainly - and independently. With an initial small personal investment as Producer additional sponsorship will be sought to produce the film.
Between 2016 and 2017 the screenplay was revised strengthening the storyline and moving it from documentary to gritty1930s drama. The title was changed to "Lawrence: After Arabia" and an initial budget with the principle of "simple is best" was planned cutting the budget by half but keeping the essential elements of the story. By Christmas 2017 we had raised funding for Pre-Production.
Pre-Production kicked off in January 2018 and will run through to December 2018. This includes build the website, planning marketing, gather ideas and names for actors, crew and locations. By the 1st June we had a new website, a tight budget and a plan to take us to the end of the year.
So now things "get real"; we can assemble a cast, expand the crew, confirm locations and produce a detailed shooting schedule.
All we need now are some angels to help!